Top 5 Data Center Stories of the Week: Dec. 10, 2017

For your weekend reading, here are the most popular stories that appeared on Data Center Knowledge this week.

Data Center Knowledge

December 11, 2017

1 Min Read
gartner Milind Govekar Dave Russell
Dave Russell, VP, distinguished analyst, Gartner (left); Milind Govenkar, research VP, GartnerYevgeniy Sverdlik

For your weekend reading, here are the most popular stories that appeared on Data Center Knowledge this week:

Gartner Says Hire Programmers to Your Infrastructure and Ops Team - As traditional enterprises increasingly behave like platform companies, their IT and ops teams should change accordingly.

Equinix Wants to Do to Data Center Connectivity What AWS Did to Computing - New Cloud Exchange Fabric uses SDN to shrink interconnection lead times from months to minutes


Inside the Equinix DC12 data center in Ashburn, Virginia

VMware Pushes Cloud Foundation 2.3 as Path to Hybrid - VMware relies heavily on partner services to sell new Cloud Foundation as a hybrid cloud solution.


VMware CEO Pat Gelsinger speaks at VMworld 2016

Biggest Enterprise Software Will Soon Be SaaS-Only and It’s Time to Worry - Unlike IaaS, SaaS prices have been steadily inching up, and switching vendors is really hard.


Milind Govenkar, research VP, Gartner

Why Traditional Security Info and Event Management Tools No Longer Cut It - By being slow to add deep visibility into cloud environments, incumbent SIEM vendors leave themselves open to disruption by the likes of Splunk.

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