Top 5 Data Center Stories of the Week: February 15, 2019

For your weekend reading, here are the five biggest things we wrote about this week.

Data Center Knowledge

February 17, 2019

1 Min Read
IBM CEO Ginni Rometty delivers a keynote address at IBM Think 2019 in San Francisco.
IBM CEO Ginni Rometty delivers a keynote address at IBM Think 2019 in San Francisco.IBM

Why IBM Is Untethering Watson AI Software from Its Cloud - AI models are best trained right where the data is, and most customer data isn’t in IBM’s cloud.

Mirantis to Help Build AT&T's Edge Computing Network for 5G On Open Source - The two companies hope other telcos will follow AT&T's lead in building their 5G networks on open source software.

Hong Kong’s Cloud Data Center Boom - As a network gateway between mainland China and the West, Hong Kong is a magnet for hyperscale cloud platforms from both sides of the gate.


The Greenpeace Airship A.E. Bates flies over Silicon Valley in 2014 with a banner asking

Greenpeace Accuses AWS of Fueling Virginia Data Center Growth with Dirty Energy - Cloud giant says the activists’ conclusions are based on faulty data but doesn’t reveal the real numbers.

Why the Northern Virginia Data Center Market Is Bigger Than Most Realize - The market has been smashing all records as the world’s largest, and it’s managed to do it based on numbers that don’t include the largest tenant there.

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