Top 5 Data Center Stories of the Week: March 19, 2021

On data center fire aftermath, on Delta's move to IBM's cloud, on redesigning servers, and more.

Data Center Knowledge

March 19, 2021

1 Min Read
Delta Air Lines pilot in Arlington, Virginia, 2020
Michael A. McCoy/Getty Images

OVH Founder: Data Center Fire Incident Shows All Backup Should Be Free - Octave Klaba says the industry should rethink the idea that backups and availability are an extra service that comes at a premium.

Delta Is Departing Its Own Data Centers to Land in the Cloud - America’s airline giant is modernizing its entire technical infrastructure, with help from IBM and Red Hat OpenShift.

Why Your Servers Suck and How Oxide Computer Plans to Make This Better - The startup is designing a rack-scale computer for enterprise IT shops that have “good reasons” to run applications in their own data centers.

AMD Overhauls Its Epyc Server Processors, Aiming Once Again for the Sweet Spot - The Milan launch focused on supercomputing, but a chat with engineers shows that the company really wants the mid-range market back.

MC Digital Realty Is Building a Scenic Route to Tokyo Via Inzai City - A key campus facility as close to Tokyo as Ashburn is to Washington could become the Jewel of Japan as soon as September.

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