RenderWurks Launches Render Farm at Digital RealtyRenderWurks Launches Render Farm at Digital Realty

RenderWurks, a provider of large-scale server farms that can be used for animation and computer generated visual effects, has signed a lease for Turn-Key Flex space and plans to deploy more than 10,000 servers at a Digital Realty data center in the Dallas market.

Rich Miller

April 16, 2013

2 Min Read
RenderWurks Launches Render Farm at Digital Realty
One of Digital Realty’s Dallas data centers (Photo: Digital Realty)


One of the buildings at Digital Dallas, the Digital Realty Trust campus in Richardson, Texas.

Digital Realty is getting a boost from digital effects. RenderWurks, a provider of large-scale server farms that can be used for animation and computer generated visual effects, has signed a lease for Turn-Key Flex space and plans to deploy more than 10,000 servers at a Digital Realty data center in the Dallas market, the companies said Monday.

RenderWurks is a new company offering hosted digital effects, which says it can offer access to rendering farms at more affordable pricing than existing providers, most of whom are based in the Los Angeles area. RenderWurks, which is a sister company of dedicated hosting provider TruSurv, will have a Los Angeles office that offers remote access to the server farm in Dallas.

In June RenderWurks will commence go live in the Digital Realty campus in Richardson, Texas with 5,280 servers  in the Dallas facility, harnessing 42,200 CPU cores to bring more than 105 Terahertz of processing power to its clients. This project will make RenderWurks the largest continually available, publicly accessible dedicated render farm in the world, the company said. Primary and failover storage arrays totaling 420 usable terabytes in size will be located in the Dallas data center.

More than 10,000 Servers Soon

RenderWurks said it has signed two contracts that will fully utilize the new space through the remainder of 2013. The company plans to add bring online another 5,280 servers before the end of the year, and will also double the storage capacity.

"RenderWurks is a pioneer in the server/rendering farm industry and we are pleased to welcome it to our portfolio," said Andrew Schaap, vice president of sales at Digital Realty. "Our flexible solutions will allow RenderWurks to provide its customers with a solution that is both scalable and cost effective. It is exciting for us to be part of the early-stage growth of such a dynamic firm and industry."

"Digital Realty's state-of-the-art data center will make it possible for us to accommodate the rendering needs of our customers across a range of verticals - animation, computer-generated visual effects, engineering and architecture," said Jeremey Poe, Marketing Manager for RenderWurks and TruSurv. "The way business is done today, we have to provide a solution that is flexible and will allow our customers to grow or shrink their services as their processing and data storage needs change on a per project basis."

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