Zayo Expands Colocation NetworkZayo Expands Colocation Network
Zayo Colocation (zColo) has expanded into five new markets, the company said today, adding more than 46,000 square feet of colocation space.
January 11, 2011
Zayo Colocation (zColo) has expanded into five new markets, the company said today, adding more than 46,000 square feet of colocation space in three cities in Ohio - Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus - as well as Memphis, Tenn. and Plymouth, Minn.
zColo is the colocation arm of Zayo Group, a provider of fiber and telecom infrastructure. zColo already had 116,465 square feet of data center colocation space in New York, Newark, Nashville and Los Angeles. It manages the meet-me room at 60 Hudson Street, one of the premier carrier hotels in New York, following its acquisition of FiberNet Telecom in 2009. Meet-me-rooms provide customers with easy access to all carriers in a building, as well as interconnection opportunities with colocation customers through a cross-connect room.
"Our operations and Network Control Center (NCC) teams have extensive experience in designing, building and ensuring mission critical connectivity in Meet-Me-Room environments," said Christopher Morley, president of zColo. "We have had great success with our current Meet-Me-Room environment and want to invest in building out similar infrastructure in our other facilities in order to give our customers the ultimate flexibility, carrier choice and the custom solutions they require."
zColo new facilities are at the following locations:
Memphis, Tenn.: 7620 Appling Center Dr.
Plymouth, Minn.: 10300 6th Ave. N
Cincinnati, Ohio: 334 Gest St.
Cleveland, Ohio: 1525 Rockwell Ave.
Columbus, Ohio: 251 Neilston St.
Zayo Group’s fiber networks connect to more than 4,000 locations including major carrier hotels, communication hub points and enterprise buildings.
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