Sentilla Updates Data Center Management SoftwareSentilla Updates Data Center Management Software

Sentilla Version 5, a software platform for Data Center Performance Management (DCPM), was rolled out this week. The platform allows for the granular management of assets inside the data center and across data centers, and incorporates one's cloud assets as well.

Colleen Miller

June 18, 2012

2 Min Read
Sentilla Updates Data Center Management Software
A view of the data available in Sentilla’s DCPM software platform, Sentilla v5.


A view of the data available in Sentilla's DCPM software platform, Sentilla v5.

Sentilla Corporation this week rolled out Sentilla Version 5, a software platform for Data Center Performance Management (DCPM), which allows for the granular management of assets inside the data center and across data centers as well as incorporating one's cloud assets.

The company, based in Redwood City, Calif., says this DCPM delivers global visibility, analysis and control of all data center assets: physical, virtual and private/public cloud, combining model-driven analysis and intelligent capacity forecasting. The platform enables monitoring and measurement of data center resources to ensure uptime, optimize performance, manage asset utilization, reduce power consumption and defer capital costs.

“Sentilla uses a Manager of Managers (MoM) approach that enables sophisticated and continuous data center capacity planning to illuminate available IT resources, asset utilization, consumption, and load limits along with cost containment recommendations — and across multiple data centers and colocation facilities," said Mike Kaul, CEO of Sentilla Corp. “The bottom line is that by using Sentilla v5, IT can provide more and higher-quality data center services at a faster rate, by better use of the existing infrastructure.

“The impact of technologies such as Systems such as Sentilla that support an integrated approach will enable IT to accurately plan, measure and manage all data center resources, down to the asset-level and across all physical locations,” noted Andy Lawrence, the vice president of research for Data center Technologies & Eco-Efficient IT at 451 Research.

The new platform offers:

  • Optimal scenario planning for predicting and comparing resource impacts of projects

  • Model driven “what-if” analysis for determining optimal application deployment (dedicated, virtual, private/hybrid cloud or public cloud), location, as well as technology and hardware

  • New predictive analytics metric libraries for resource utilization, consumption, peak demand, seasonality, capacity and costs

  • New and improved user interface (UI) designed for rapid installation and ease-of-use

  • New web- and mobile device-based analysis and planning dashboards for performance, location and power consumption

  • Enhanced support for storage devices

  • New asset connector SDK for 3rd party integration and additional asset support

  • Distributed data center support

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