Top Five Data Center Stories: Week of January 27

Here are the top stories that appeared on Data Center Knowledge this week

Data Center Knowledge

January 28, 2017

1 Min Read
Top Five Data Center Stories: Week of January 27
Backpack, Facebook’s second-generation modular switch, features fully disaggregated architecture that uses simple building blocks called switch elements, and it has a clear separation of the data, control, and management planes. Submitted to OCP in November 2016.

Here are the top stories that appeared on Data Center Knowledge this week:

Vendors Take Facebook Data Center Switches to Market - A group of network hardware and software companies are bringing to market data center network hardware Facebook has designed in-house for its own use.

JLL: Expect the Dallas Data Center Market to Have a “Chicago Year” in 2017 - Metro Chicago wholesale data center operators, in a similar fashion to the Chicago Cubs, celebrated a marvelous championship season in 2016. Now it's Dallas' turn.

IBM Wins First Cloud Deal as Army Fast-Tracks Data Center Closures - The Army’s fiscal 2015 IT bill was $8.3 billion, including everything from data centers to applications, in-house and outsourced.

IBM Touts Trump-Pleasing Hiring Plans While Firing Thousands - In late November, IBM completed at least its third round of firings in 2016, according to former and current employees.

Microsoft Backs Away from Manager’s Comment on Post-Brexit Data Center Plans - Statements a senior Microsoft manager recently made about implications of potential post-Brexit hardware import tariffs for the company’s data center plans in the UK are not its official position.

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