Top 10 Data Center Stories of the Month: May 2019Top 10 Data Center Stories of the Month: May 2019
Catch up on the latest in the data center industry with this list top stories that ran on DCK in May.
June 3, 2019
RHEL 8 Brings the Hybrid Cloud to DevOps - The latest and greatest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux ships with new features that will make routine administration tasks easier for DevOps teams, while clearing a path for hybrid cloud deployments.
SIEM Pricing Models Set for a Shake-Up - Next-gen SIEM providers eyeing incumbents with new tech features, modern takes on pricing
Here’s How ZombieLoad Affects Data Centers and What to Do About It - Experts say exploits would be sophisticated and take a long time to build, but operators should act now.
CyrusOne’s Creative Data Center Construction Funding Strategy Paid Off - DCK Investor Edge: With 2019 development funded, the REIT has a clear pathway to cover builds in 2020 and beyond.
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Microsoft Reveals First Hardware Using Its New Compression Algorithm - The Corsica ASIC offloads compression and encryption to accelerate storage performance.
Dell Has a New Cloud Strategy, but It’s Still an Infrastructure Vendor - In Las Vegas, the giant laid out a new hybrid cloud vision and products to support it. But is it transformative?
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Microsoft Meets Long-Time Rival VMware With Open Hybrid-Cloud Arms - After years of trying to unseat the virtualization king, Microsoft now has a new take on the rivalry.
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Can VMware Remain Cloud Switzerland Under Dell’s Control? - The company’s cloud CTO says the ‘Switzerland model’ is intact despite the recent optics.
Evoque CEO: It’s a Brand-New Day for Ex-AT&T Data Center Customers - The new operator is turning the telco's former colo business network-neutral, updating the facilities, and eyeing expansion.
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Open19 Says ‘19 Is the ‘Year of Adoption’ for the Data Center Standard - At its second annual summit, the foundation says its open-source tech is getting real market traction.
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