Growth in Usage of Data Center Service Providers

Kevin Normandeau

October 10, 2011

1 Min Read
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It doesn’t seem that long ago there was a sort of phobia behind outsourcing your data center to service provider. Many IT users believed you needed to be close to your servers. That perception has changed, even more rapidly than predicted by research firms that follow the data center market.

Data Center Knowledge readers report strong usage of data center service providers among enterprise class companies. It seems only a few years ago enterprise IT wanted to own their facilities and servers.

However, now 62% are reporting they are, or plan to, outsource elements of their data center processing. Thirty two percent of the respondents report using data center service providers in a broad fashion, and 17% are more selective with their IT outsourcing. 12% are in testing or planning, which creates solid market growth for data center service providers for the next several years.

Usage of Data Center Service Providers


These findings are part of the Data Center Knowledge 2012 Data Center Market Insights Report. For more from this survey read the other market insights articles. If you prefer you can download the complete report coutesy of Vantage Data Centers.

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