Friday Funny: What's the Best Caption? November 2012 UpdateFriday Funny: What's the Best Caption? November 2012 Update
It’s Friday and time for some smiles! The end of the work week should always be capped off with a laughs and a few pints. It's time to vote on the caption submissions for our latest cartoon.
November 30, 2012
It’s Friday and time for some smiles! The end of the work week should always be capped off with a few laughs and a few pints.
Please take a moment to vote on the caption suggestions for our latest cartoon about "bubbling servers" in the data center. (Scroll down to vote!)
The caption contest works like this: We provide the cartoon (drawn by Diane Alber, our fav data center cartoonist) and you, our readers, submit the captions. We then choose finalists and the readers vote for their favorite funniest suggestion.
The winner will receive their caption in a signed print by Diane.
Click to enlarge.
Please visit Diane’s website Kip and Gary for more of her data center humor. And for the previous cartoons on DCK, see our Humor Channel.
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