Friday Funny: Pot of Gold at the End of the Cold Aisle?Friday Funny: Pot of Gold at the End of the Cold Aisle?
Happy Friday! The weekend is nearly here, so it's time for data center levity. Here's our weekly data center cartoon featuring Kip and Gary. Are you ready to add your own caption?
March 8, 2013
Happy Friday! The weekend is nearly here, so it's time for data center levity.
Each Friday, Data Center Knowledge features a cartoon drawn by Diane Alber, our favorite data center cartoonist, and our readers suggest funny captions. Please visit Diane’s website Kip and Gary for more of her data center humor.
The caption contest works like this: We provide the cartoon and you, our readers, submit the captions. We then choose finalists and the readers vote for their favorite funniest suggestion.
Congratulations to reader Steve Swanberg, who submitted the winning caption for last week's "Shaking in the Data Center" cartoon: "Kip, I think you may have misunderstood when they told us to shake out the new tape management system . . . ."
This week Diane writes, "Since the last 'gold' comic was so much fun I thought because of the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day another one was in order.”
For the previous cartoons on DCK, see our Humor Channel.
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