Data Center Links: RagingWire, Sidera, Solarflare, KeySourceData Center Links: RagingWire, Sidera, Solarflare, KeySource
RagingWire connects with Sidera Networks in Ashburn, Solarflare 10GbE server adapters for Mac set performance mark, Keysource to build data center for AIMES.
April 13, 2012
Here's our review of noteworthy links for the data center industry:
RagingWire Connects With Sidera Networks in Ashburn - RagingWire Data Centers has selected Sidera Networks to connect to their new Ashburn, Virginia data center. A key consideration for the selection of Sidera’s network was its unique route, which bypasses Washington, DC. “Bringing Sidera Networks into our Virginia facility is a win-win situation for customers,” said Dan Golding, vice president and general manager of RagingWire’s Virginia data center. “Sidera offers connectivity to most of the major metropolitan areas on the East Coast, as well as Chicago and London, with low latency and the ability to bypass those metropolitan congestion points if necessary. Our partnership with Sidera solidifies our commitment to providing the highest possible levels of service to our customers, no matter how large their bandwidth needs or how low their latency requirements.” From press release.
Solarflare 10GbE Server Adapters for Mac Set Performance Mark - Solarflare, which specializes in application-intelligent 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) networking software and hardware, announced new benchmark results for its Mac OS X driver when configured in high-bandwidth environments, such as rendering and read / write to disk. Recently, Maxx Digital, a leading integrator of solutions for video / audio editing and data storage in the media and entertainment industry, tested Solarflare server adapters against competitive products and realized a remarkable 28% improvement in processing performance. By moving extremely large data files through a 10GbE network with far faster megabytes per second (MB/sec) transfer rates, customers greatly reduce rendering and editing times. Maxx Digital's CTO, Bob Zelin, used the AJA System Test with a 2K file 2048x1556 resolution (2K video file emulation) to run his tests. Zelin said, "I'm blown away with the test results. Solarflare’s adapters ran out of the box and achieved speeds approaching 500MB/sec without tuning. Congratulations on making a wonderful 10Gig Ethernet card for Mac OS X." from press release.
Keysource to Build Data Center for AIMES - In partnership with Liverpool Innovation Park, cloud computing provider AIMES Grid Services has appointed Keysource to design and build a new data centre to support its next generation cloud computing infrastructure. The facility at Liverpool Innovation Park is the first phase of a new Cloud Computing Campus. The initial development will provide up to 10,000 square feet of net technical space and the capacity to develop a total of 35,000 square feet.
This long term strategic partnership will enhance AIMES’ capacity to deliver a full range of managed digital services including collocation, real and virtual hosting, platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). The concurrently maintainable design will enable a modular and phased implementation up to 1.5MVA with a planned capacity of 180 racks. From press release.
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