Data Center Industry Links for December 16th

Paetec opens new data center in Milwaukee, Resilient Communications plans a DR center in Maine, and StratITsphere selects Katy, Texas for a joint headquarter/data center complex.

Rich Miller

December 16, 2010

1 Min Read
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Here's our review of noteworthy links for the data center industry for December 15th:

  • StratITsphere Selects Katy, Texas, for HQ, Data Center - StratITsphere, a consulting and services firm that specializes in infrastructure, has selected Katy, Texas, for the site of its new headquarters. The company will invest more than $10 million in the relocation and establish a Tier 4 data center.

  • Paetec opens new Milwaukee data center - A rapidly expanding New York telecommunications company has opened a new data center in downtown Milwaukee. Paetec Holding Co. said it offers data storage, back-up and other services to businesses in Milwaukee and the Midwest. Milwaukee's proximity to some major Midwestern metro areas and the area's skilled technology workforce played a role in the decision to locate the data center here, said Forrest Knueppel, Paetec's regional director for Wisconsin. Paetec previously had a small data operation in Milwaukee. From the Journal-Sentinel.

  • Resilient to open data center in Maine - A 2-year-old company focusing on cyber security and network communications plans to put its headquarters at the Brunswick Naval Air Station property. Resilient Communications Corp. plans to establish a state-of-the-art secure data center; a data disaster recovery center; and a composite manufacturing facility for secure network communications and a data center. Gov. John Baldacci says the center will employ up to 150 people.

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