Top Ten Data Center Stories, April 2014

Microsoft's two big data center expansions, insight on Facebook and Apple facilities, as well as a fire and a bomb threat captured DCK readers' attention in April

Colleen Miller

May 1, 2014

1 Min Read
Top Ten Data Center Stories, April 2014
This aerial photo shows the site of Microsoft’s planned $1.1 billion data center campus in West Des Moines, Iowa. (Image: State of Iowa)

Microsoft's big moves in the Midwest and Southwest captured the attention of Data Center Knowledge readers in April. Also, life-safety issues such as a fire and a bomb threat at two separate data center facilities were the topic of two other most popular stories for the month, followed by our look inside Apple and Facebook data centers. Here are the most viewed stories on Data Center Knowledge for April 2104, ranked by page views. Enjoy!

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