Friday Funny: Neon Cabinets CartoonFriday Funny: Neon Cabinets Cartoon
It’s Friday…and time for some workplace levity. Diane Alber, the Arizona artist who created Kip and Gary, draws a cartoon this week that shows how Kip and Gary can get trendy, installing some "colorful cabinets."
June 29, 2012

It’s Friday…and time for some workplace levity. Diane Alber, the Arizona artist who created Kip and Gary, this week considers the trend of colorful cabinets. She writes: "I’m noticing more and more that data centers are not only color coding but they are trying to find new ways to save energy ,and brightening up your cabinets can be a great way to do so. Because black absorbs light and colors like white reflect light you are able to lower your lights in your data center. So what if you use neon cabinets??"
Here's the deal: we provide the cartoon, drawn by Diane, and you, the reader, can submit the caption. Use the comments field below for your suggestions! Next week, we will choose several finalists, and Data Center Knowledge readers will have a chance to vote for their favorite. The winner will receive their caption in a signed print by Diane!
Congratulations to Pat Dryer (from PlanNet Consulting) on the winning caption on our last cartoon with “Higher, Kip. We need more power!”
Thanks to everyone for submitting funny captions and for voting! Keep those ideas rolling in!
To see our previous cartoons, visit the Humor section on Data Center Knowledge.
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