Factoring Cost Into Your Cloud Services EvaluationFactoring Cost Into Your Cloud Services Evaluation
To understand how the QoS a provider delivers can impact a business, simply look at how cloud services are used. Learn to do cloud, the right way!
It’s time to get your head into the cloud! Modern organizations are all looking at ways to optimize the way that they do business. A big piece of this has been user mobility, data delivery, and the truly interconnected data center model. The wide-scale adoption and rapid move to the cloud is being met by a similarly explosive growth in the number of providers offering services.
Unfortunately, not all cloud services are created equal. The wrong choicecan have significant consequences and could lead to a loss of revenue, productivity, reputation, and customers.
As SunGard explains in this whitepaper, to understand how the quality of service a provider delivers can impact a business, one need only look at how companies are using cloud services. The number of IT organizations that have migrated at least half of their total applications to the Cloud increased from 5 percent at the start of 2012 to more than 20 percent by year’s end. Others are turning to cloud-based infrastructure services to complement or usurp the traditional approach to delivering IT services from in-house datacenters. Interest in this form of cloud service is rapidly growing.
The challenging part – as with any technology – is downtime and outages. Unfortunately, most businesses cannot tolerate downtime associated with cloud outages. They lose business, experience lost productivity, potentially lose customers for good, and expose the organization to fines and penalties. Simply put, quite often there is a “cost of doing it wrong” when selecting a cloud service provider.
Learn about the 6 key cost considerations when evaluating a cloud service. This includes:
The cost of downtime.
Financial impact related to lost reputation.
Lost productivity.
Security-related costs.
Regulatory-related costs.
The cost of IT staff time.
As your organization makes its way into the cloud – SunGard outlines three key considerations around selecting the right provider:
Reduce the cost of downtime.
Reduce the financial impact related to lost reputation.
Keep worked productivity high.
In creating the optimal cloud infrastructure, make sure to work with a provider which can meet your technological needs both today and in the future.
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