TIBCO Turbocharges Big Data Analytics

During its Transform 2013 events in Paris and London, infrastructure software company TIBCO Software launched Iris, a new troubleshooting and forensic application, and updated its FTL low-latency messaging platform.

John Rath

June 11, 2013

2 Min Read
TIBCO Turbocharges Big Data Analytics

During its Transform 2013 events in Paris and London, infrastructure software company TIBCO Software (TIBX) launched Iris, a new troubleshooting and forensic application, and updated its FTL low-latency messaging platform.

TIBCO announced Iris, a new software product designed to deliver enhanced application troubleshooting and forensic capabilities for application developers, support engineers, security analysts, and QA testers. Iris is a standalone solution to ingest, process and visualize results for application and machine log data to help trpuble-sheet and analyze enterprise applications.

"There are threats and opportunities hidden in customers’ big data," said Rock Gnatovich, senior vice president, TIBCO. "With TIBCO Iris, we are complementing our ability to collect and manage massive amounts of log data with a self-service solution that will become indispensable to application developers and security experts who are charged with keeping systems running and companies safe."

TIBOC FTL Leverages In-Memory

TIBCO announced the latest version of its flagship extreme low-latency messaging platform, TIBCO FTL 3.1, which introduces in-memory technology to bring new levels of reliability to persistent messaging. The powerful messaging platform can be leveraged by any industry facing ever-increasing data volumes, including logistics and transportation companies, government, power and utilities companies and high-tech manufacturing industries.

FTL 3.1 merges the latest advancements in hardware and networking to handle higher message throughput with lower latency, and a greater number of concurrent connections, than traditional messaging approaches. A new distributed in-memory persistence engine is introduced in FTL 3.1, with guaranteed message delivery and a messaging throughput of over 850,000 messages per second.

“TIBCO FTL was designed to address the needs of extreme low latent environments such as financial markets, where trades are increasingly performed by high-performance algorithms and where microseconds make a vast difference in delivering results,” said Denny Page, Chief Engineer, TIBCO. “With the introduction of the in-memory persistence engine for guaranteed delivery, TIBCO FTL 3.1 is now also ideally suited to address high performance use cases in any industry where extremely fast environments are required to track billions of data points a day.”

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