Gangnam Style in the Data CenterGangnam Style in the Data Center
It had to happen eventually: A "Gangnam Style" parody with IT professionals doing the Psy "horse dance" in the aisles of a data center.
February 8, 2013
Gangnam style comes to the data center, courtesy of EMC.
It had to happen eventually: A "Gangnam Style" parody with IT professionals doing the Psy "horse dance" in the aisles of a data center. This "Oopa EMC Style" performance is brought to you via a YouTube video from "Chad Sakac and the EMC Giddyups." Sakac is senior VP of Global Systems Engineering at EMC, a leading player in the storage market. "It took about 9 hours to record, and I was popping in and out to meet with customers and various folks at Cisco as we recorded it at the EMC campus in Santa Clara," Chad writes in a blog post, in which he introduces his dance partners. We don't think any of them should quit their day jobs just yet, but the lyrics and setting provide some good Friday fun to ease you into your weekend.
For additional video, check out our DCK video archive and the Data Center Videos channel on YouTube.
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