As a Buzzword, "Big Data" Gets Even Bigger

The New York Times examines how buzzwords like "Big Data" - and "cloud computing" before it - can catch on and inject existing technologies with larger cultural relevance. Whether you love these buzzwords or roll your eyes every time you hear them, the Times article is an interesting exploration of the intersection of language, marketing and technology.

Rich Miller

August 13, 2012

1 Min Read
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We've been writing about the "big data" trend for several years. But the phrase is likely to gain broader prominence in the wake of weekend coverage from The New York Times, which calls 2012 a "Crossover year for Big Data." Times columnist Steve Lohr notes the growth of large datasets and powerful analytics in companies like Google and Facebook. But it provides some insight into technology terminology, and how buzzwords like "Big Data" - and "cloud computing" before it - can catch on and inject existing technologies with larger cultural relevance.

"The Big Data story is the making of a meme," Lohr writes. "And two vital ingredients seem to be at work here. The first is that the term itself is not too technical, yet is catchy and vaguely evocative. The second is that behind the term is an evolving set of technologies with great promise, and some pitfalls."

Whether you love these buzzwords or roll your eyes every time you hear them, the Times article is an interesting exploration of the intersection of language, marketing and technology. Red the full story at

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