Green Technology Blogs: The Big ListGreen Technology Blogs: The Big List

A growing number of blogs cover green IT and energy efficiency, which we've brought together in our Big List of Green Technology Blogs

Rich Miller

August 17, 2007

2 Min Read
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The "greening of the data center" means that many industry professionals need to stay current on the latest trends in energy efficient IT equipment and services. Fortunately, there are a growing number of blogs that cover green IT and energy efficiency, which we've brought together in our Big List of Green Technology Blogs. Some of these blogs take a broad view of the sector, and others cover specific niches.

  • Cleantech Blog: This team blog was founded by Neal Dikeman, a partner at Jane Capital Partners, a San Francisco merchant bank focused on businesses in fuel cells, superconductors and software.

  • Greener Buildings: The resource center for environmentally responsible building development, with daily news, case studies and tools for developing and managing green and/or LEED facilities.

  • Inside GreenTech: This site provides original reporting on daily business developments in green technology.

  • EcoIron: Mark Ontkush provides daily reports and commentary on all aspects of green computing and sustainable technologies in IT. The blog is perhaps best known for Mark's Black Google proposal, which posits that web pages with a white background use more energy.

  • EcoGeek: This blog by Hank Green explores the "symbiosis between nature and technology." Several recent posts featured energy-efficient building technology, and another profiled a new high-capacity solar electricity plant.

  • GreenBiz: "Business, the environment, the bottom line." This blog focuses aligning environmental responsibility with business success.

  • MetaEfficient: This is a web magazine that covers the latest green products and technologies. Its archives offer a large volume of reviews of products, neatly categorized.

  • Sustainable IT: InfoWorld's Ted Samson blogs about "Tracking trends toward a greener, more energy-efficient IT."

  • Earth2Tech: The newset entry into the green tech blogosphere, launched this summer by Om Malik as part of his GigaOm network.

  • Pop!Tech: This blog from the Pop!Tech Institute in Maine focuses on the future if technology and science, and features a lot of content on environmental issues and themes.

  • TreeHugger: Perhaps the most popular of the green blogs, Treehugger has a channel devoted to enviro-friendly technology. This blog was recently bought by the Discovery Channel for $10 million. Say, maybe there's something to this blogging thing ...

It's a lot to read. If you can't track that many blogs each day, just keep reading Data Center Knowledge! We're monitoring these sites, as well as numerous searches on topics of interest in the Data Center. News tips and backlinks are always welcome!

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