5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

Isabel Wang has tagged me, and so it's my turn to belatedly share "5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me."

Rich Miller

December 26, 2006

2 Min Read
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Isabel Wang has tagged me, and so it's my turn to belatedly add to the "5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me" meme that's making its way through the blogosphere. So here are 5 things most of you probably don't know about me:

1. I've written about many topics besides data centers. I started out in the newspaper business on the sports desk, and have had full-time jobs writing about business, features, religion and technology, with extended stints specializing in commodities fraud, women's tennis, Y2K, race relations, and the regulation of alternative medicine. Since my writing career moved online in 2000 I've written extensively about web hosting, Internet security (especially phishing), SSL security, domain names and video games in addition to data centers.

2. When I was younger and thinner I ran 26.2 miles (twice), played volleyball for 25 straight hours, completed a three-day dance marathon, and once dove off a 45-foot cliff. Truth be told, it was more like "falling and yelling" than actual diving.

3. My wife Colleen is also a web professional. She manages web site content for The Pew Charitable Trusts, a major foundation based in Philadelphia. She was the original computer enthusiast in our family, but now has to call "geek time outs" when her husband and two sons detour into tech talk on family outings.

4. I'm a lay speaker in the United Methodist Church, and assist with the youth ministry at our local congregation.

5. Current non-work goal: To defeat my older son in Wii Baseball. I like the Wii because I can compete on the same level with my sons, both of whom are major gamers. I tried playing Halo with them a few times, but can't match their speed using the traditional game controller. My gamer tag may as well have been TargetPractice.

So who's left to tag? I'll tag data center bloggers John Rath and Pete Sacco as well as Ed Felten, Bret Fausett and Steven Davis.

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